ECODOB is an ECOWAS Digital Observatory which manages Information system of telecommunication, post, roaming, e-government, cyber security and cyber crime indicators . It is a systematic program which produces Telecommunications, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) information of West Africa at any given indicator; and ECOWAS has the responsibilities to produce such information.
The system has two (2) suites: the Administrative and the National Correspondent for Indicators (NCIs) Portal. The NCIs portal input the Telecoms/ICT indicator data, the Admin portal output the data while the website publishes the indicator information of the West Africa which were gathered from ECOWAS Member States.
The essence of this project is to develop a telecom database then utilize the data to produce West African telecommunication/ICT information in maps, charts and data analysis format.
ECOWAS is the major licensed body recognized to have and to produce genuine telecoms/ICT indicator information to beneficiaries like International Telecommunication Union (ITU), UN, ECOWAS institutions, professionals, academicians, students etc as well as the global at large. This project has a continuous process scheme for development and deployment of any given/new indicator decided/produced by the global decision-making body of ICT indicators.
Aim/Objective Of the program:
Effective management of the telecom database, including Telecom statistics
Continuous harmonization of ITU Telecom/ICT indicators with ECOWAS indicators
To monitor the efficient transmission of information from the National Correspondent for Indicators (NCIs)
To provide support service and direct assistance to the National Correspondent for Indicators (NCIs)
Survey and Mapping of Telecom/ICT infrastructures, GIS Analysis of ECOWAS member states Telecommunication environment
Be responsible for documentation concerning the National Correspondent for Indicators (NCIs) interface, reporting and publications
Monitoring of the availability of the GSM transmission medium
The program was founded in 2002, and has been providing quality telecommunication information to ITU, academicians, professionals and the public ever since. Located in ECOWAS Commission, Abuja, Nigeria.